Does laser therapy work for dogs?


We know that lasers are used in human medicine, but have you heard of laser therapy for dogs? With the continuous improvement of the medical level, laser treatment technology has also entered the IV "cold laser" for veterinary use. These lasers are used to treat a variety of diseases without side effects. About dog laser treatment, we may not know much, today we will take a look at the relevant information about dog laser treatment.

1. Laser treatment is safe for dogs

The word LASER is an acronym that stands for optical amplification of an excited ray of light. What does that mean?

In laser therapy, different frequencies of laser light waves are used to make the dog's skin or muscle tissue reach different levels. Lasers reduce inflammation and promote wound healing, and these beams do not generate heat, so there is no fear of your dog getting burned. Dogs also don't have to be shaved in areas treated with lasers. The laser is 100% safe with no risk of side effects. This makes laser therapy a good addition to your dog's normal pain management program. Many dogs after laser treatment will find that their dose of pain medication is reduced.

2. Laser therapy can be used to treat various diseases in dogs

Laser therapy is effective for a variety of different problems. It is more commonly used to treat dogs with arthritis, hip dysplasia, back pain or degenerative disc disease. Some dogs may also be treated with lasers for muscle, ligament or tendon injuries as well as post-surgical or soft tissue trauma. There are also some more advanced pet hospitals that apply lasers to treat infections in dogs, such as gingivitis, eczema, open wounds, anal gland infections, and even ear infections

3. Laser treatment can be combined with other treatments

Some drugs have contraindications that cannot be taken at the same time, and laser therapy does not seem to exclude any other treatment option, which means that laser therapy can be an excellent addition to any treatment option without worrying about the risk of side effects or adverse reactions to drugs that have many limitations. Of course, laser therapy itself is rarely the only way to treat problems, and is often used in conjunction with other treatments.

4. Most dogs find lasers relaxing

Contrary to some owners' fears that the laser will make the dog nervous, the laser causes the dog's brain to release endorphins, which make the dog feel good, usually throughout the treatment, the dog will lie down quietly and relax, and some dogs will even fall asleep during the laser treatment.

5. Laser therapy is well established

Usually, many of our drugs are clinically tested on animals before they are given to humans; Laser therapy, on the other hand, has been tested on humans since 40 years ago, and people express discomfort or pain during the experiment, and over the years, the technology is more mature, and we believe that dogs are not suffering from ill effects that they can't tell us.

6. Laser treatment is a cumulative process

Laser treatment is a cumulative process, it is not said that it can be treated at one time, so it needs to be implemented regularly according to the treatment plan, so as to improve the overall. At the same time, it may be more frequent in the beginning, and the frequency can be gradually reduced in the later period. For example, a dog with arthritis may initially need treatment 2.3 times a week, but after a few weeks of treatment, the dog's symptoms improve, and after that may only be treated once a week and finally once every 2.3 weeks.

7. The cost of laser treatment

Laser treatment equipment is still relatively expensive, so not every pet hospital will have, some relatively large or chain pet hospitals will prepare these equipment according to the actual situation. Therefore, the cost of laser treatment is relatively not very cheap. Of course, if it can reduce the pain of the dog, the capable shovel officer will still try to provide the best treatment for his dog.

We also know that pet medical treatment is indeed relatively expensive at present, but we believe that with the continuous development and change of this market, the technology has become cheaper than before, there will be more pet owners can afford the relevant treatment costs, and dogs will benefit more from it.